
Pizza Sauce Recipe In Hindi

Indian Cooking Recipes – Pizza Sauce Recipe in Hindi

– As a food chef and blogger, I am always on the lookout for delicious and easy-to-make recipes that cater to a wide range of tastes.
– One of my recent favorites is the homemade pizza sauce recipe in Hindi, which adds a burst of traditional Indian flavors to a classic Italian dish.
– In this article, I will share a simple, yet flavorful pizza sauce recipe that will elevate your homemade pizzas to a whole new level.

– 2 cups of ripe tomatoes, chopped
– 1 small onion, finely chopped
– 4-5 garlic cloves, minced
– 1 teaspoon of dried oregano
– 1 teaspoon of dried basil
– 1 teaspoon of red chili powder
– 1 tablespoon of olive oil
– Salt to taste

– Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the chopped onions. Sauté until they turn translucent.
– Add the minced garlic and cook for another minute until fragrant.
– Now, add the chopped tomatoes and cook until they turn soft and mushy.
– Once the tomatoes are cooked, add the dried oregano, basil, red chili powder, and salt. Mix well and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
– Allow the mixture to cool down and then blend it into a smooth puree using a blender or food processor.
– Your homemade pizza sauce in Hindi is now ready to be used on your favorite pizza base!

– With this simple and flavorful pizza sauce recipe in Hindi, you can now add an Indian twist to your homemade pizzas and impress your family and friends with your culinary skills.
– Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cook, this recipe is sure to become a staple in your kitchen and elevate your pizza game to new heights.

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